The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Update 1-25-12

Patron Eileen Filler-Corn requested that her HB 706/Motorists to Stop for Pedestrians in marked crosswalks “Go Bye for the Day” which was granted in House Trans. Sub 2, so we will probably see it next Wed. @ 7 a.m.

Del. Lopez did a very nice, and well prepared, job of presenting HB784, his very first bill as a legislator, which was the “Drivers shall exercise Due Care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian or bicyclist” Although I, and representatives of several other groups, spoke in favor of the bill, and no one from the floor spoke against it, it was defeated 3-2. Unfortunately the vote was along strict party lines, with Chairman John Cox, and Delegates Scott Garrett (Lynchburg) & Barbara Comstock (McLean), all the R’s, voting against, with Betsy Carr (Richmond) & Jeion Ward (Hampton), the two D’s on the sub comm, voting for.

Learned after the meeting that both the House & Senate patrons of the bills to permit the City of Blacksburg to install a contra flow bike lane on one street, HB 857 & SB 101, have decided to withdraw these bills, which should be done at Senate Trans this afternoon, and House Trans tomorrow. I can not take any credit for this development, which I believe is due to the efforts of Va. Transit Assn. added to the contacts that Champe & I had made earlier. In any case, we are please to see that this bill will not be going forward.

Also learned that Sen. Barker’s SB210, which would make use of a cell phone by a driver with a learner’s permit a primary offense cleared the Senate by a 30-10 vote yesterday afternoon, with Richmond area Senators Marsh, McEachin, Stosch, & Watkins voting for, and McDougle & Martin voting against .

Now this afternoon we have only SB333 the Mo-ped ban, and SB633, the statewide requirement for bike helmets for riders 14 or younger on the Senate Trans docket.

Bud Vye, RABA & VBF Advocacy Director

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