The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Report 1/20/11 – Senate Transportation Committee

…met this afternoon at 2.

Among a long list of bills “Stricken at the Request of the Patron” were:

  • SB740-Lucas, VDOT to ban the use of bridges for Motorcycles and Mopeds during high winds
  • SB905-Deeds relating to reckless operation of a bicycle

These bills are no more for this session, hence can be removed from your list of concerns.

SB1370, requiring rumble strips on all highways having a speed limit of at least 55mph, was “Passed by for the Day” which means that it may be on the docket for this committee next Thursday at 2. In discussing this bill with the VDOT reps and with several Senators, I learned that “All highways in VA have a speed limit of 55 mph, unless otherwise posted”, and that a number of rural roads are not posted, in which case their default speed limit is 55 mph.

VDOT is taking no official position on this bill, but is stating that the Fiscal Impact of such a bill would be $4 billion, which is more than enough to set this bill aside for a long time. Accordingly, the Senators I spoke with, who would rather not be in opposition to a bill that has no chance of going anywhere, told me not to worry about this bill, and just let the Fiscal Impact take care of it.

I intend to follow their advice, although if the bill comes up for discussion next week or in the future, I do intend to voice opposition.

SB928, McDougle’s 3 ft. passing bill, was not on the Docket today, so I expect to see it next Thursday, after we see how the identical House Bills make out next Wednesday morning in House Transportation Sub-Committee 2.

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