The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Report 1/20/10

As mentioned to some earlier who were asking why we were supporting HB 163, this bill was heard in House Transportation Sub Committee 2 this morning at 7 a.m. The patron did not have anyone there to explain what problem the bill was intended to solve, and wasn’t clear himself, other than that some of his constituents in Spotsylvania County had been wrongfully ticketed, and that this was intended to correct the problem. Since no one was clear on what the problem was, the Sub Comm. decided to report the bill to the full Transportation Comm. where Del. Orrock would either have a full explanation of what the problem was, or would withdraw the bill. Since the only reference to bicycles was that one could properly be passed in the same lane by a motor vehicle (and it was mentioned in the discussion that that would have to be done by at least 24 inches) I did not attempt to enter the discussion. The bill is on the docket to be heard by the full Committee tomorrow morning.

HB 469 Stop for Pedestrians in Marked Crosswalks was also heard in this sub committee, and was Passed by Indefinitely (Killed) by a vote of 5 to 1, with the only member supporting it being Jeion Ward of Hampton. Patron Charniele Herring of Fairfax & Alexandria, who is a Freshman, was given a rough time by both Chairman Carrico (who stated that “motorists know that Yield means that they have to Stop for a Pedestrian in a Crosswalk”) and Vice Chairman Oder, from Newport News (who stated that “changing the language to Stop would result in major traffic jams and gridlock during rush hour at certain intersections). I did something I had never done before, and respectfully, but strongly, disagreed with both the Chairman and Vice Chairman when I had my opportunity to speak in behalf of the bill, but it didn’t sway any of the sub-committee members. There is a similar bill SB 228 on the Senate side, patroned by Sen. Barker of Fairfax, which is on the docket of the Senate Trans Comm. for tomorrow afternoon. I would expect that it could be reported out of there, and might pass the full Senate, but will be dead on arrival when it gets over to the House Trans. Committee.

There are no bills of interest to us, that I am aware of, on the docket
for the House Trans. Committee tomorrow morning

In the Senate Trans. Comm. tomorrow afternoon at 2, Senate Bill 228
Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks is on, but no sign yet of SB 10 or
574 Banning Cell Phone Use by Drivers or SB 566 the Three Foot Passing and Careless Driving bill that I am most interested in.

In Transportation Sub Comm 4 @ 5 p.m. tomorrow HB 95, HB 197, & HB 222 Requirements for accepting new streets into the VDOT system, and Design Standards for urban areas are all on the docket.

I intend to skip the House Trans. Comm. meeting in the morning, but to
attend the Senate Trans. meeting in the p.m., plus the House Trans. Sub Comm 4 at 5 p.m.

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