The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Legislative Report 1/19/11 – House Transportation Committee 2

Met this morning at 7, with a contingent from Charlottesville present to support HB 1683 (3′ passing of bicycles & do not follow more closely than is reasonable and prudent) being carried by Del. Toscano. Since the bill was heard relatively late on the agenda, Chairman Carrico determined that the witnesses would be heard, but that the vote on the bill would not be taken until next week’s meeting of the Sub-Committee, presumably since HB 2194, the identical bill being carried by Del. Ebbin, will be heard at that time, also. Testimony seemed to be well received by the sub committee, but we will have to wait a week to see how the vote goes and whether the bill will be reported to the full House Transportation Committee.

Similar House Bills 1981 & 1991, patroned by Del.s Greason & Janis that would enable a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, etc. to proceed through a red light, if the signal didn’t trip for them, were rolled into one bill (I believe it will be 1981/Greason) and reported out to the full Transportation Committee. Since one bill called for the operator to wait 2 minutes and the other to wait two cycles of the traffic light, before proceeding through the red light with caution, the surviving bill was amended to contain either version of waiting, whichever came first, before proceeding.

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