The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Photo of Hit & Run Truck That Killed Lanie Kruszewski Obtained

Photo Courtesy NBC12

Richmond TV Station NBC12 has obtained a photo of the truck owned by Stephen Elias Webb who admits to the hit-and-run death of bicyclist Lanie Kruszewksi on July 29  while she was  riding her bicycle  home from work.  Webb’s attorneys led detectives to the vehicle. Webb told prosecutors that he thought he had hit a deer. Defense attorneys have requested a change of venue for the trial which is scheduled for December.

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  • Hit a deer? Right. Hit a flesh colored deer with blinking lights that went above the bumper, above the hood, and smashed into the windshield. The “deer” was then carried 109 feet, and left to die. As with all deer accidents, the driver continued on his way home, not stopping to check for damages. The drive home was easy, considering how clearly he could see out of the driver’s side windshield.

  • Lol. First thing that jumps out at me (phun intended), smashed windshield; his ass saw what he hit. Second, his story was that he didnt stop, he just kept going, obviously. Sooo, he drove all the way home with that smashed up windshield? You cant see into it, which means you cant see out of it. But he drove all the way home like that…, SMH.

  • Plea time, I think. Wouldn’t want a jury seeing a picture of that if I were the defense attorney. Probably no way to argue it should be excluded. Webb will be doing time, and I hope any plea involves permanent revocation of driving privlege, which he obviously cannot handle.

  • It is truly amazing how many hit and run accidents there are in the US per year. According to 618 lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes occurred in the U.S. in 2010. Although that was only about 2% of total hit& run accidents that is still many lives lost. We need safer bicycle lanes and more public education about bicycle safety. If not, we will have more people claiming “they thought is was a deer” jeesh!
    Thanks for the update