The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Lanie Kruszewski Memorial Donations

The Virginia Bicycling Federation would like to acknowledge and thank these generous people and organizations for their donations in  memory of Lanie Kruszewki.

Andrew Duncan
Audrey Yeager
Association for the Preservation of Henrico Antiquities
Beverley Lane
Cheryl Emory
Christine A. Schneider
Christine Englehart
Darci Kelley
David & Carol Ridderhof
Elizabeth Vaughan
Emily Tombes
Galen Fisher, MD – Laser & Skin Surgery Center of Richmond
Heather Higgins
Jane Helfrich
Jeanne McNeil
Jennifer Farinholt
Johanna Peet
John Booker
John Old
Joyce Hann
Stephen G. Martin
Julie May
Julie Miller
Kathy Ingram
Kappa Sigma, Nu Chapter
Leah N. Ziegler
Richmond MORE(Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts)
Sande Snead
Sharon D. Fuller
Sierra Club – Falls of the James Group
Steven Young
Tyndall Ellis
U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Assn., Richmond Chapter
Village Publishing
Wayland Hundley
Western Henrico Rotary Club

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