The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Lance Armstrong on the Tony Kornheiser Show

Lance Armstrong appeared on The Tony Kornheiser Show this morning. Has Tony repented? Listen for yourself (MP3) and see.

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  • Many people have said this well. Tony Kornheiser is a shock-jock. He thrives on attention and ratings. Lance totally gave him that. What Lance did was great and I applaud him for stepping up to the plate. It is not, however, the best outcome for that situation.

    This is definitely NOT the first time something like this has happened. Unfortunately it will not be the last. Advocating violence against cyclists has become a proven ratings bump for radio shock jocks and morning “personalities” for lack of a better term.

    The ploy totally worked!!! Tony K got Lance on his show. Lots of people who otherwise wouldn’t listen have tuned in. ESPN Radio 980 has had tons of hits on their web site.

    League of American Bicyclists has developed a pretty good way to deal with this. Work on the management of the radio station and not the bozo that is flapping his mouth on the airwaves. What would have worked nicely for a guy of Lance’s stature is to 1) talk to the management and give them the message that he won’t appear on any of ESPN’s networks until he gets a full apology and enlightened statement from Tony K; and 2) use his own considerable communications network to get a positive message out.

    I know Monday Morning quarterbacking is easy. I don’t mean to belittle what Lance did. From what I’ve heard he was awesome on the Tony K show. Honestly I haven’t listened to it.

    Dealing with this any other way will just encourage more to do the same. What’s next for Tony K? My guess is that he’s going to have a show where he makes racial jokes and disparaging comments about black people, using the “N” word many times in an effort to get Oprah on his show.

    Good luck Tony. You’re successful at wasting the wonderful gift that is the First Amendment.