The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

June Curry, the Cookie Lady, Dies at 91

Cyclists across Virginia and around the world are mourning the loss of June Haven Curry, the Cookie Lady,  who died July 16 after a brief illness.

Since 1976, June opened a building beside her home in the tiny hamlet of Afton, VA  as a hostel  to cyclists traveling along the TransAmerica (US Bike Rout 76).

Cyclists would stop for a rest, refill their water bottles or spend the night at the little haven located near the top of a particularly arduous climb up Afton Mountain.

June Curry sharing a laugh at her home in 2009

June was a warm, expressive person who never met a stranger.

Over the years, it has been estimated that over 14,000 riders from every state and 50 countries stayed in the Bike House.

June was so well known for helping cyclists, or being what is referred to as a, “trail angel” that the Adventure Cycling Association named an award, “The June Curry Trail Angel Award” for people who go above and beyond to assist and do something special for touring cyclists.

According to Bev Haven in her online book, June was quoted as saying,

I believe the Lord chose this as my mission on earth, though I cannot ride a bicycle and hate to cook. Touring bicyclists are very special people.  They never forget me.  I consider them all MY BIKE FAMILY.

Though June’s mission is now complete, she will be remembered, fondly, by people around the world for the  kindness, warmth and generosity she demonstrated for 36 years.

The Cookie lady will truly be missed by all.

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