The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Join VBF at National Bike Summit Lobby Day

2011 National Bike Summit logo

Your presence at the National Bike Summit will positively impact funding for pedestrian and bicycling projects. In 2011, the Federal Transportation bill will be reauthorized. AAA is lobbying to remove transportation enhancement monies from the funding bill. These funds have been used to construct local greenways and trails alternative transportation corridors.

Meet with your Congressman or their transportation staff to discuss cyclist’s transportation needs on and off road. The Virginia delegation will meet with Virginia Senators, Webb and Warner, or their staff. Congressional visits will be scheduled by VBF Northern Virginia member, Allen Muchnick. Champe Burnley, president of the Virginia Bicycling Federation, and Bud Vye, legislative education, welcome you to visit the Hill. Please provide Muchnick your contact information and your congressman’s name at CC: Champe,

Your congressional district needs to be represented. Please come for the entire bike summit or for the day!

Important note from Allen: you need NOT register for the National Bike Summit conference with the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) to participate in the lobby visits on Capitol Hill, and if you do register with LAB, I already have your information. We need Virginia bicycling advocates who are NOT attending this conference to attend a lobby meeting for YOUR member of the House of Representatives. For the past 10 National Bike Summits, several Virginia Congressional Districts have NEVER been represented by any local constituent.


Alternate Session –- Bike Facilities in DC Tour and Hands-On Design Session

For those that are not able to participate in the Congressional meetings on the Thursday (Lobby Day), Toole Design Group, in conjunction with the District of Columbia Transportation Department, are developing a brainstorming and design activity session, along with a bike tour of some of D.C.’s latest new cycle tracks and other bikeways. We will be looking at ways to integrate bicycling into the transportatio n mix along with pedestrians, cars, buses, and streetcars on a busy downtown street. No matter what your background is – this day is guaranteed to set your creative side free!

Meetings with Members of Congress House and Senate Office Buildings — Capitol Hill

National Bike Summit Lobby Day Headquarters

General Board of Church and Society
100 Maryland Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20002

Congressional Reception

Senate Dirksen Office Building – Room G-50

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