The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

It’s Legislature Time Again…

…and this year we have a SHORT (46 day) session so things will move very quickly.

We have only a short list of Bicycling Safety related bills to follow, but they are issues that we have been working on previously, and we would like to see them passed, particularly since of the 10 bicycling accident fatalities in the state last year, 8 of the riders were hit from behind by a motor vehicle.

Here are the bill numbers:

  • SB736, Dooring
  • SB1060, Following too Closely & Three Foot Passing
  • HB1950, Following too Closely
  • HB1495, Texting while Driving

From this website…

…you can key in the bill number and get all the information that is available about the bill, and I urge you to do so.

The HB1950 Following too Closely bill is the first of those listed coming up for consideration, as it will be in the House Transportation SubCommittee 2 meeting on Wednesday morning (1/16/13) at 7 a.m.

Please contact your legislator in support of HB1950, especially if they’re on the House Transportation Subcommittee 2: Delegates Cox, J.A. (Chairman), Comstock, Garrett, Anderson, Minchew, Ward, & Carr.

If you don’t know who your delegate is, use the Who’s My Legislator page.

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