The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Following Too Closely, No Passing at Crosswalks & Stop for Pedestrians — In Committee Monday — Contact Your Delegate Now

From Bud Vye:

Docket is Posted for Trans Sub2 for Monday @ 7 a.m. and I’m thrilled that ALL of the bills we are interested in are listed.

7 a.m. on Monday is not my favorite time of the week, and if all the bills are heard, this could be my last 7 a.m. of this session (until after crossover, when our Senate bills will be here).

HB82/Comstock — Don’t follow bicycles too closely

HB 811/Lopez — Same topic, will probably be conformed with HB82 at this meeting

HB 320/Kory — Don’t pass a vehicle stopped at a RR Crossing or Intersection (“…prohibits a person from overtaking or passing another vehicle stopped at a marked or unmarked crosswalk at an intersection when a pedestrian is present.”)

HB277/Krupicka — STOP for a Pedestrian in a Crosswalk

All are listed, so its time to get the calls made to the SubComm members as I requested last night.

Please contact your delegate (use the Who’s My Legislator page) and ask them to support these bills. This is especially important if your delegate is on House Transportation Subcommittee 2, listed below, which meets Monday morning at 7 AM:

Again, all that’s needed is a quick note with the bill number and what it’s about. For example:

“I’m _____, a constituent from _____ and I’m asking you to please support _____, _____ and _____.”

Feel free to go into further detail, but please do at least this.

While you’re at it, get two friends to write too!

Please share this with your email lists, and in social media.

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