The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Important Blue Ridge Parkway Campground May Close — Citizen Input Needed

As any touring cyclist can tell you, finding a place to pitch your tent is often the issue that drives your daily ride.  The distance between camping facilities may mean a forty mile day, or it may mean a hundred.  Finding  a safe place to camp is a major daily blessing — or curse.

There never seems to be enough places to camp along the Parkway.   With the constant climbing along the crest of the Blue Ridge, campsites always seem to be spread out farther than a rider would like.

Located at milepost 120, the Roanoke Mountain Campground has, for years, offered a respite to the tired cyclist.  In an area that has become more urbanized each year, camping options are scarce; and riding into Roanoke to find a hotel room can be treacherous on the busy urban roads.

The National Park Service is considering closing this camping facility, unless they receive input from citizens requesting it stay open.

The VBF recommends that that the Roanoke Mountain campground be maintained (option A) or upgraded (option C).

Please take a moment to ask that we not lose this facility, which is an oasis to cyclists and hikers.

Post your  comments at the NPS website or visit the ROANOKEOUTSIDE.COM blog and  ask  to keep the campground open.

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  • Please keep the park open. It provides a very valuable resource for us touring the parkway.

  • We need these type of places. It helps to clean environment and healthy activities.Please keep the park open.

  • Campgrounds provide a respite away from urban life & many opportunities to enjoy & learn about nature. Please keep the Roanoke Mountain Campground open.