The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

IMBA Mid-Atlantic Summit in Harrisonburg

International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Logo

Join IMBA staff, club leaders, and advocates from around the region for the IMBA Mid-Atlantic Regional Summit.

Plans are underway to make the weekend of July 22-24 an informative and festive IMBA regional summit. Details are still being hashed out, but get ready to spend the weekend with IMBA staff, land managers and other advocates in Harrisonburg, VA, learning the latest in trail management, volunteer motivation, best practices in advocacy, as well as state break-out sessions. And don’t forget your bike, as the plan is do a ride Sunday in one of the two IMBA Epics in the vicinity. Check back at IMBA’s website for more info, or contact VBF board member Chis Scott (

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