The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

House Transportation Subcommittee 2…

…met this morning from 7 to 8:30 am.

HB2386 Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks, patroned by Adam Ebbin, had the similar bill HB 2520, patroned by Shannon, combined with it, so 2386 is the surviving bill. After lengthy discussion, with numerous PTA groups (it’s PTA Lobby Day today), Northern VA jurisdiction reps and Law Enforcement reps, and me, speaking in favor of it, the bill was reported out, 4-3, with Chairman Carrico, Loupassi (Richmond), and Oder (Newport News) opposing. Now it goes on to the full House Transportation Committee where it may be heard tomorrow or Thursday.

HB 2008, patroned by Brink, was also listed, but not heard. This bill,
which would ban bicycles, mo peds, Segways, and others from Interstates, and other limited access highways (this was the part we were concerned about), has now had the “other limited access highways” clause stricken according to Steve Chumley, the representative of the State Police, so it now pertains only to Interstate Highways. As such, I told him we have no problem with the bill, so it appears that we can stop worrying about it.

Now, everyone contact their Senator in support of SB874, the cell phone ban, and lets see if we can win another one.

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