The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Homework For The Holidays

Though some of us may be back at work, the holidays aren’t over yet. By devoting just a little of our holiday free time to bike advocacy, we can really accomplish a lot.

“Promote Bicycle Transportation” At Change.Org

The deadline is tomorrow, and as of today, fewer than 1000 votes are needed for “Promote Bicycle Transportation” to make it to the final round of voting for the “Top 10 Ideas for America.” Use the widget on our site, or follow this link:

Change.Org is a web-based, national public input campaign by the incoming administration.

Prepare Your Comments For The Commonwealth Transportation Board

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) is the parent entity that directs all transportation policy in Virginia, overseeing our roads (VDOT), rail and public transit (DRPT), airports, and port facilities. If you have an idea about how these agencies should be doing things, or working together better, the CTB is whom you should be telling it to. You’ll have that opportunity real soon, at a series of public input meetings. For more information about what you should ask for, how to go about it, and when and where the meetings are, see our recent post about the January 2009 CTB Public Input Meetings.

Identify Your Shovel-Ready Projects

This is aimed at local government officials and staff, and key citizen volunteers. There’s much talk about an upcoming economic stimulus package focusing on transportation infrastructure. Ready-to-go projects that need only to be funded will probably be favored, as this will put the most people to work the soonest. Bike-ped projects are usually simpler and cheaper than roads, bridges, etc., and thus easier to pull together in a short time, if funding were available. Well now it might be, so let’s identify likely projects in our own communities, and get the details in order for our grant applications.

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