The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

‘Following Too Closely’ Passes House; ‘Three Foot Passing’ & ‘Dooring’ Still to Come

Update: SB 225 ‘dooring’ has passed the Senate.

Good news on HB82-Comstock, Don’t Follow Too Closely, as it passed the House by 68 -28. Looks like the two who didn’t vote would have probably been 1 -1. From the Richmond area, we were surprised to see that Delores McQuinn, Joe Morrissey, and Chris Peace voted Nay, everyone else voted For the bill. Even better in Northern Virginia & Hampton Roads, where it appears that ALL delegates voted for the bill, R & D. That leaves most of the Nay votes to come from the western and central rural sections of the state. Next stop for this bill will be Senate Transportation on a Wednesday about 2 weeks from tomorrow, after it crosses over.

With 3 foot passing coming along after Crossover in about two weeks, it will be helpful if everyone thanks their delegate for their support of this bill, and alerting them that SB97, 3 foot passing, will be coming along and hoping that they will continue to support bicycling safety by supporting it also. In the Richmond area, we will also express our disappointment to the three delegates who didn’t support the bill and ask them to be with us on 3 foot passing.

HB1237, Sunday Hunting, passed the House on the same docket by a 71 – 27 count, which was not as close as I expected it to be. As I had expected, most of the opposition had come from the rural and urban delegates; most of the support from the suburban.

SB225, the Dooring bill, has had 2nd reading on the Senate Floor and been passed by for the day once, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see it voted on tomorrow. Last minute calls to ALL Senators will not hurt!

And Champe Burnley reports that the new Secretary of Natural Resources, Molly Ward, has agreed to meet with a small delegation of us on Monday, so we can bring her up to speed on what we are up to. This could turn out…

Update — How Delegates Voted on HB 82

Here’s the vote on HB 82

YEAS–Albo, Anderson, Austin, BaCote, Bell, Robert B., Brink, Bulova, Campbell, Carr, Cole, Comstock, Cox, Dance, Davis, DeSteph, Farrell, Filler-Corn, Fowler, Futrell, Greason, Habeeb, Head, Herring, Hester, Hope, Howell, A.T., Hugo, Ingram, James, Jones, Keam, Kory, LaRock, Leftwich, LeMunyon, Lingamfelter, Lopez, Loupassi, Marshall, R.G., Mason, Massie, McClellan, Minchew, O’Bannon, Orrock, Plum, Pogge, Rasoul, Robinson, Rush, Rust, Scott, Sickles, Simon, Spruill, Stolle, Surovell, Taylor, Toscano, Villanueva, Ward, Ware, Watts, Wilt, Wright, Yancey, Yost, Mr. Speaker–68.

NAYS–Adams, Bell, Richard P., Berg, Byron, Chafin, Cline, Edmunds, Fariss, Garrett, Gilbert, Helsel, Hodges, Kilgore, Landes, Marshall, D.W., McQuinn, Miller, Morefield, Morris, Morrissey, O’Quinn, Peace, Poindexter, Ramadan, Ransone, Torian, Tyler, Webert–28.


NOT VOTING–Knight, Krupicka–2.

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