The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Distracted Driving Bill HB181 Clears Senate Courts Committee; Up for Senate Vote Soon

Distracted driving bill HB181 Reported Out of  Senate Courts Committee Committee, 10-3

Distracted driving bill HB181 Reported Out of Senate Courts Committee Committee, 10-3

After all the recent drama around HB181 the Distracted Driving bill, it was finally heard this morning at the civilized hour of 9:00 a.m. in the Senate Courts of Justice Committee. After a very nice job of presenting it by Del. Chris Collins, a very impressive group of witnesses testifying in favor of it lined up behind the podium led by Patty Kruszewski whose daughter Lanie was killed by a distracted driver several years ago. Her testimony was followed by that of an EMT responder from NOVA who had had relatives killed in a similar incident. Uniformed Police officers from two jurisdictions, the rep of the Sheriff’s Assn., several insurance company reps, Janet Brooking of DriveSmart Virginia, Jon Lugbill of SportsBackers, and I followed with our support, with no witnesses coming up to speak in opposition.

Being impressed with the team of supporters that had been lined up by Janet, but not certain how the vote might go, at length came the Move to Report & Second and the vote on the electronic screen. Lots of green and only a few reds was encouraging, and when all the votes were posted the count was 10-3 to Report, with only Ryan McDougle from Hanover, Richard Stuart from the Northern Neck, and Ben Chafin from the far south west in opposition. No clapping or cheers, but some silent expressions of relief at the result, as the bill now goes on to the Senate floor, where it will be a surprise if it doesn’t pass, having successfully cleared the Courts Committees in both the House & Senate (which are generally considered to be among the toughest hurdles to get over). Because some relatively minor amendments had been made to the bill after it cleared the House, it will have to go back there again after clearing the Senate, but that is not expected to be a serious problem.

Having had such a winding route to this point, lets hold our applause and everyone contact their own Senators asking their support for HB181/the Distracted Driving bill on the Senate floor in the next few days so we can get this bill to the Governor’s desk. It would also be in order to THANK your Senators for their support in the Courts Committee if they were among the 10 (Obenshain, Saslaw, Howell,Deeds,Lucas, Edwards, Reeves, Sturtevant, Petersen, Peake) who voted to report.

Also in order would be an expression of disappointment from RABA members to our local Senator Ryan McDougle (698-7504, for his opposition to the bill.

Thanks to everyone who has weighed in with their support so far! If you haven’t, here’s your last chance to help. Let’s do it one more time and make sure this bill gets to the Governor.

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