The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Hand-Held Cell Phone Ban Passed by House — Help Get It Through the Senate Now

Lots of action with HB181 (the Distracted Driving bill that would restrict the use of hand held communication devices by drivers) on the House Floor on Tuesday, the last day prior to Cross Over.

After sailing along rather smoothly, the bill initially FAILED by a 47-53 vote. This was followed by a Motion to Reconsider, which carried and was followed by a 2nd vote on the bill which PASSED by 50-47, as a number of delegates changed their votes.

With all of this, the bill now goes on to the Senate where it has been assigned to their Courts of Justice Committee, where it probably will be heard on Monday, 2/19 at 8 a.m.

As we try to make sense of all of this, we note that we have a popular R patron in the person of Del. Chris Collins from Winchester, a former law enforcement officer, now an attorney, carrying a bill that appears to have solid R support in a Senate Committee that has 9 R’s & 6 D’s. With the only members of this committee from the Richmond area being:

We certainly want to urge their support of this bill.

Additionally we have several long time supporters of our bike & pedestrian safety agenda on this committee who we should also request the continued support of. This group includes:

Lets have everyone making some contacts (today & tomorrow, prior to the weekend, will be most effective) and see if we can weather this unusual turbulence and get HB181 onto the Senate floor and eventually passed.

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