The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

HB1342 ‘Following Too Closely’ Clears Subcommittee

Delegate Bill DeSteph of Virginia Beach did a nice job of presenting HB1342 “Motor vehicles not to follow any other vehicles more closely than is reasonable and prudent” in House Transportation SubCommittee 2 this morning at 7 a.m. With minimal discussion, the bill was reported out by a 6-1 vote, with only Chairman Garrett dissenting, to keep his record intact of never supporting any bicycling safety bill.

Now the bill is very likely to be heard in the House Transportation Committee Tuesday morning at 8:30, as everything is on a fast track in this 46 day “Short” legislative session.

As expected, HB1746, the Mandatory Sidepath bill has now been assigned to Transportation, and could also be heard on Tuesday, but more likely will be assigned further to Sub2 for hearing next Monday at 7 a.m., where I will be there in opposition.

Wednesday afternoon we should see the “Crossing the double yellow line” (SB781, SB1027, SB1228) “Dooring” (SB882), and Sen. Reeves’ version of the “Don’t follow too closely” bill (SB1220) in Senate Transportation.

Thursday morning at 7 a.m. will see the three Maintenance reimbursement bills (HB1402, HB1501, HB1502), to wrap up a very busy week.

No referral to a committee yet of the “Stop for Pedestrians in a Crosswalk” or the bill to “Ban Handheld Cell Phone Usage When Driving” but that should happen soon.

For those who haven’t yet seen it, here’s the link to the VBF & RABA list of bills we are following:

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