The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

HB1342, Following Too Closely, Clears House Transpo Committee

HB1342 “Don’t Follow Another Vehicle Too Closely”…

…was reported out of the House Transportation Committee by an 18 – 1 vote this morning, with Del. Garrett from Lynchburg again casting the only dissenting vote. Again Del. Bill DeSteph of VA. Beach did a nice job of presenting it. Now the bill goes on the the floor of the House fairly soon, so it is in order for everyone to make a call to their Delegate asking them to be on the lookout for this bill, and support it, when it comes up on the floor.

If you don’t know who your delegate is, go to this link:

…and hit Who’s My Legislator under the Quick Links on the right side, upper half of the page.

While you are at it, also see who your Senator is, and have their number and email handy for when we have bills in the Senate, as we do on Wednesday afternoon at the Senate Transportation Committee, where the Dooring, Crossing the Double Yellow Line, and their version of the Following too Closely bill will all be heard.

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