The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

HB 2386 Stop For Pedestrians In Crosswalks

…was reported out of the House Transportation Committee this afternoon by a 14-6 vote.

Now it’s on to the floor of the House in the next few days, where it went down by 48-47 last year. We have a few more votes this year, and Delegate Loupassi changed his position from his previous “no” votes, after being contacted by Emily Kimball and several other RABA constituents. So I think we have an excellent chance to get it through this time. If we do, I think it will go through the Senate by a wider margin.

Now we need everyone to call their Delegate’s office soon, and ask them to support HB 2386, Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalks, on the House Floor.

Thanks to everyone who called their House Transportation Committee members!

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  • Unfortunately HB 2386 got hit with a Motion to Re-Refer to Committee, which may be the end of it, as Bud Vye reports.