The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Harrisonburg Named IMBA Ride Center

Harrisonburg mountain biking. Photo by Chris Scott & Shenandoah Mountain Touring.

Photo by Chris Scott & Shenandoah Mountain Touring.

We’re excited to announce that Harrisonburg has been named a Bronze-level IMBA Ride Center. From IMBA:

The Ride Center® designation represents IMBA’s Model Trail recognition for large-scale mountain bike facilities that offer something for every rider. Bring your full arsenal of bikes to these destination-worthy areas. From backcountry adventures to shuttle-served gravity trails, and from expert-only to family-friendly, you’ll encounter the best the sport has to offer.

Ride Center® mimics the Bikeleague’s Bicycle Friendly Community program, but for fat-tire dirt riding. Areas are scored on Trail Experience, Services, Community Involvement, Tourism and Marketing, and a subjective factor called Above and Beyond.

Notable are introductory mountain bike classes offered by James Madison University, and city Parks and Rec.; and the nearby Southern Traverse, an IMBA Epic®.

Harrisonburg is the only Mid-Atlantic city to receive a Ride Center® designation. With so many great mountain bike destinations in Virginia, we hope others will follow.

Harrisonburg is also a Bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community.

Special thanks to Kyle Lawrence and the Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition, and our own Chris Scott and Shenandoah Mountain Touring.

Please see IMBA’s page about Harrisonburg.

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