The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Charlottesville-Albemarle Bike Week


Media Contact: Heather Higgins 434.760.3330

Bike Week Events Offer Free Opportunities to Learn and Encouragement to Ride

Collaboration by area cycling organizations and support from local businesses provides something for everyone

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – If you haven’t already, it’s time to get your bike out of the garage, dust off the seat, pump up the tires and of course, put those safety tips to use because May is National Bike Month and May 16-21 is Charlottesville Albemarle Bike Week. To celebrate, Bike Charlottesville, Charlottesville Community Bikes, Alternative Choices in Community Transportation, and UVa Parking & Transportation have teamed up with local sponsors to offer a bevy of free events for cyclists of all ages and abilities. Detailed information can be found on

Monday, May 16th, 12-1pm: Cross Town Ride, News Conference, Award Ceremony 12pm Depart UVa’s Emmet/Ivy Parking Garage, bike together ~12:30pm News Conference & Awards Ceremony at City Hall Plaza on the Downtown Mall

Join Charlottesville Mayor Dave Norris, City Councilors, and other community leaders and residents for a 2-mile, one-way, bike ride. We’ll ride together at an easy pace along the central portion of the East/West cycling corridor which connects the County of Albemarle, the University of Virginia, and the City. Upon arriving at City Hall Plaza, we’ll hold a news conference and recognize and thank the first-ever Bike Charlottesville Community Partner Award honorees.

The Cross Town Ride route (Ivy Rd, University Ave, W. Main St, Water St) will give participants a bicycle-level view of the East/West corridor. Improvements are slated to roll out over the Summer months and are expected to increase cyclist ridership. Retailers and restaurateurs along the route should see an increase in patronage by cyclists, especially where there are bike parking options nearby.

Tuesday, May 17th, 6-8pm: Community Bikes Open House + Intro to Biking 612 C Preston Avenue (behind Moxie). For directions:

Charlottesville Community Bikes inivites area residents to an open house where they’ll receive one-stop help getting ready for Bike to Work Day: tune-ups, bike maintenance self-help skills, bike commuting routes and advice, and traffic safety instruction.

Wednesday, May 18th, 6:15-8:00pm: Ride of Silence Start / Finish: MLK Jr Performing Arts Center. Registration requested:

Join Mayor Dave Norris and the cycling community on a silent, 7-mile long, police-escorted procession through Charlottesville. Coinciding with the 8th annual, world-wide Ride of Silence, we will ride from the MLK Jr Performing Arts Center to Downtown and back to raise awareness of cyclists and to honor those who have been injured or killed while cycling on public roadways.

Although cyclists have a legal right to share the road with motorists, the motoring public often isn’t aware of these rights, and sometimes are not aware of the cyclists themselves. “I highly encourage all cyclists to join us; feedback from last year’s Ride of Silence participants was amazing” said Alan Bewley, event organizer. “The silence can be deafening.“

The ride is free; participants need only sign a waiver (via, wear a helmet and come prepared with lights for biking during low light conditions.

Thursday, May 19th, 12-1pm: UVa Lunch & Learn “Bike Commuting 101” UVa Carruthers Hall, Conf. Rm A. Registration required:

Want to save on gas money? Interested in incorporating more exercise into your daily routine? Want to enjoy the commute to work more? Consider bike commuting. Think you can’t do it because you live too far away, need to run errands at lunch, or are nervous about riding in traffic? Come learn answers to these scenarios and more. Lunch will be provided. Registration limited so sign up soon. One lucky attendee will win a free bike helmet and shoe covers.

Friday, May 20th, 7-9am and 4-6pm: BIKE TO WORK DAY Energizer Stations 7-9am: Main Street Market, Albemarle County Office Building, Rugby Rd / University Ave 4-6pm: Main Street Market, Albemarle County Office Building

Bike commuting provides a healthy, invigorating, and low-cost alternative to driving. It’s even more enjoyable when cyclists stop by one of the Bike To Work Day Energizer Stations for complimentary refreshments and chances to win cool prizes. Year-round, cyclists are encouraged to patronize the local merchants along the East / West corridor in appreciation for their support of extended bike lanes on W. Main St.

Saturday, May 21st, 10am – 1pm: Tour de Coop Jefferson School / Carver Rec Center, 201 4th Street NW

The latest in a string of wildly successful, themed bike tours around town comes the Tour de Coop, which combines urban poultry farming with the joy of biking for transportation. Area residents are invited to join in on this family-friendly, easy-paced bike ride through several city neighborhoods to visit poultry Americans and tour their abodes. At the final stop along the route, there will be a puppet show and potluck. Suggested donation is $5 and all proceeds go to Charlottesville Community Bikes.

Saturday, May 21st, 3-5pm: Bike Rodeo Washington Park, in the basketball court area behind the pool

Parents of children ages 6-12 are invited to bring their children along with their bikes to a free, hands-on bike riding event. Kids who don’t have a bike can use one from the rodeo’s fleet. Free helmets will be given to participants upon course completion and bikes will be checked by volunteers from Charlottesville Community Bikes. During the rodeo, young people will navigate through stations that are designed to challenge their balance, coordination and knowledge of bike safety. All participants, upon course completion, will earn a certificate, snacks and the opportunity to enter a raffle for great bike-themed prizes.

All month long: Double the Wheels June 4th celebration: Random Row Books, 315 W. Main Street

Throughout Bike Month, cyclists around town will be enrolling their bikeless friends in Double The Wheels, a campaign to rapidly increase the number of folks who travel by bike. The campaign culminates with a celebration on June 4th, Double the Wheels – Double the Party. Ian Ayers, founder, believes social influence is the trigger that encourages and sustains a new rider. “People want to ride with their friends; Double the Wheels helps them do that.”

# # #

Bike Week presented thanks to the generous support of:

Albemarle Baking Company
Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation (ACCT)
Bike Charlottesville
Blue Ridge Cyclery
Blue Wheel Bicycles
Calvino Cafe
Charlottesville Area Mountain Bike Club
Charlottesville Community Bikes
Charlottesville League of Urban Chicken Keepers (CLUCK)
Charlottesville Police Department
Charlottesville Racing Club
Double the Wheels
Fortuna Cycling
Monticello Velo
Rose Hill Neighborhood Association
The Engraving Shop
UVa Parking & Transportation
Whole Foods Market

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