The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Hanover County Board Approves Resolution

Another Virginia Locality Calls for More Trails and Bikeways

The Hanover County Board of Supervisors   passed a resolution  supporting bicycling and calling for an active transportation network. 

This makes Hanover the fourth locality in Central Virginia – after Ashland, New Kent and the City of Richmond –  to pass pro-bike/ trail resolutions.

The resolution passed unanimously at the Board meeting on December 8.

The resolution calls for the county to promote bicycling facilities and commits the county to work,  “…with neighboring localities and partner with national organzations to connect  to connect…”  into a a wider network of trails, bikeways and greenways. 

US Bike Routes 76 (TransAmerica Route), USBR 1 and the East Coast Greenway all pass through the county.

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  • SO the state can call us an IDIOT and give someone a ticket if they dont “buckle up” but the “bike routes” you are refering to, our roads, which apparently, are too narrow to put yellow lines on, so who is the real idiot here? The people that choose to take their own lives at risk by not wearing their seatbelt, or the people allowing bikes that go 3 to 35 mph on unmarked unmaintined roads with cars,trucks, tractor trailers, dump trucks etc. coming at both directions at 45 mph plus (no one
    always goes speed limit)… So lets take many lives in danger… Whis the idiot