The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Got Gravel? Here’s a Map of Virginia’s Unpaved Roads

With ever-growing interest in gravel riding, VDOT has provided this map of all of Virginia’s unpaved roads. Zoom in for detail — it may take a minute for all the roads to show up.

Did you know? Unpaved roads have a 35 MPH speed limit statewide, adding to their appeal for cyclists.

Use this map to plan your next adventure. Click here for a larger version.

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  • Where’s the map, refreshed this page a number of times, but no map. Likewise the ‘larger version’ link. Is a ‘.pdf’ version available?

  • The map just loaded for me in a few seconds, but sometimes it may be slower. Also, you may need to zoom in a step or two for the gravel roads to show up — in purple.

  • Make sure to add data to your map! upper right corner is the icon