The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

“Following Too Closely” is Out of Committee, Elias Webb To Get 3 Years?

Just home from catching a three bagger.

SB1060/Sen. Reeves (the Don’t Follow Too Closely and Three Foot Passing, but with the Three Foot Passing removed, so that it is now just Don’t Follow Too Closely) WAS REPORTED out of the House Trans Comm by a 14 – 3 vote and now goes on to the last hurdle, which is the HOUSE FLOOR.

Now EVERYONE must contact their Delegates and urge passage on the Floor, since this is not a sure thing in that arena.

Interestingly, Del. Cox, after being the only vote against the bill in Sub Comm2, moved to Report the Bill in this full committee, and then was one of the three (including Cosgrove of Chesapeake and Rust of Loudoun) who voted against it. It would appear he has made a promise to someone NEVER to support a bicycling bill, although it appears in person he is softening his stance a bit.

Immediately after that, I went in to Senate Education to see what happened to the “Tebow “bill, which would permit home schooled students to participate in public school activities and sports. Lots of home schooled students and parents in to testify FOR and lots of School Administrators to testify against. At the end, the bill FAILED by an 8-7 vote, with the R former school principal Blevins breaking ranks with his fellow R’s to join all of the D’s in defeating the bill, as had happened. several times previously. – Richmond, VA News, Weather, Traffic

Lastly, I went over to the Courthouse just in time to learn from a family member (I was not allowed in) that the judge had given a 3 YEAR sentence to Elias Webb in the Lanie Kruszewski hit and run case. This should conclude that case, unless the Defense Attorney decides to make an appeal. My interview with Channel 12/NBC news did not run last night on the 11 o’clock since the jury was still out on the sentence, so I’ll be on the lookout at 5 and 11 today to see whether they use.

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