The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Will We Pass a Federal Transportation Bill in 2012?

It’s been a tumultuous several months in Congress, coming up with a new federal transportation bill and funding reauthorization.

The House wasted everyone’s time, in my opinion, with a bill that was never serious, but pure political theater. For us, it would have eliminated all support for biking & walking, and programs like Safe Routes to School.

The Senate bill was far more realistic, but still lacked support for biking and walking — until the Cardin-Cochran amendment was added last week. Thanks to everyone who wrote in support. It really did make a difference.

But this Tuesday, the Senate failed to vote for cloture, mostly along party lines. Now we’re at a stalemate. Will we get a transportation package passed, before the election in November? It doesn’t look good.

Credit where credit’s due: special thanks to T4America and Streetsblog Capitol Hill, for being on the job, and keeping us informed.

Update, via T4America: “The Senate has reached an agreement in order to complete action on S.1813, the Surface Transportation bill.”

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