The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Face Mask Bill HB 542 Sails Through Senate Committee

HB542, the Mask Bill, after testimony by the Motorcycling rep and me, sailed right through the Senate Courts of Justice Committee with no opposition and now goes on to the Senate floor, where final passage is about as certain as anything we ever see at the Legislature.

Next up is HB 82, Don’t Follow Too Closely, in the Senate Trans Committee after adjournment on Wednesday afternoon.

Although there have been some responses to my appeal to send emails in support of the remaining three bills (the Salsa program shared with us by the Washington Area Bicycling Assn. logs how many, and to which Legislator) I have been disappointed at the resounding level of apathy shown by the vast majority of RABA members.

Responses would still be very helpful, and I urge the rest of you to weigh in, as it never will be any easier than it is made by this program:

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  • Just wanted to respond to the comment about lack of interest from cyclists. I saw the emails from WABA and the tweets from VBF… and then sent emails to my legislators from my normal email client rather than thru the salsalabs link. Why? Because I like having a copy in my “sent mail” folder and it didn’t occur to me at the time that this would throw off tracking metrics. Just some food for thought, there may be other folks who reached out to legislators through their regular email for the same reason. Maybe WABA’s webmaster could add a checkbox to CC one’s own email address?

    At any rate, thanks for all your diligent work tracking the biking bills this legislative session!

  • @Micah790: thanks for the feedback — I’ll look into it.