The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Enhancements Gets 3% Of Stimulus Highway Funds

from Brent Hugh, via the Thunderhead listserv

The House Rules Committee has released the conference report–what
may be the final version of the stimulus bill.

It looks like:

  • Enhancements gets 3% of highway funds (less than the 4.5% allotted in the House but above the 0% allotted by the Senate)
  • Metro areas get 30% of total highway money (less than the 45% allotted by the House)
  • $27.5 billion for highways (see Part 1, p. 231)
  • $1.5 billion for surface transportation (discretionary grants; may be for highways or transit; see Part 1, p. 226)
  • $8.4 billion for transit
  • $8 billion for high-speed rail (up from both House & Senate originals, it appears)
  • $1.3 billion for Amtrak

Commuter transit employee fringe benefit increased from $110/month to $200/month putting the transit benefit on par with that currently
allowed for parking (Part 2, page 69; this amends 26 USC Section 132(f))

The bill is available as two very large PDFs:

My analysis:

Update from Transportation for America:

VBF would like to thank Brent Hugh of the Missouri Bicycle Federation for his timely analysis.

In the words of William Mullholland, “There it is. Take it.” VBF urges all Virginia bicyclists and bike-ped professionals to submit their ideas for the stimulus to

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