The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Sen. Ebbin & Del. Lopez Receive VBF’s Bicycling Friendly Award

For their support of bicycling in the Virginia General Assembly, Senator Adam Ebbin and Delegate Alfonso Lopez have been honored with VBF’s Bicycling Friendly award.

Champe Burnley, Sen. Adam Ebbin, Bud Vye

Champe Burnley, Sen. Adam Ebbin, Bud Vye

Champe Burnley, Del. Alfonso Lopez, Bud Vye

Champe Burnley, Del. Alfonso Lopez, Bud Vye

Representing Virginia’s 30th Senate District, Sen. Ebbin sponsored from SB 264 ,  the following cyclists too closely bill. 

Del. Lopez’s , represents the 49th House  District and  sponsored HB784 , drivers due care legislation  and HB 785  a bill to prohibit following too closely. 


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