The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Earth Day: US Secretary of Transportation, Bikes for the World

April 22 is Earth Day, and one of the best ways to honor it is to ride a bike. The US Secretary of Transportation agrees, with his blog post today, “Bicycling is an important factor in less carbon-intensive commuting.” So dust off the bike today and take it for a spin — if not today, then soon.

If you’re not going to use your bike, please pass it along to someone who will. The US has the highest number of bikes per household of any country, yet one of the lowest rates of bike use.

Bikes for the World is a project of WABA, bringing America’s unused bikes to appreciative new owners in the developing world. Also consider donating your unused bikes to a local bike co-op or community bike workshop.

Reduce, re-use, recycle!

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