The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Draft State Bike Plan Released — Your Input Needed

Public Comment Open Until September 17

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)  has released a draft copy of  Virginia’s State Bicycle Policy Plan for public comment and input.

VDOT developed the plan  to ensure bicyclists are an integral component of Virginia’s multimodal transportation system, and to provide bicycle policy recommendations that will guide the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of bicycle accommodations.

Of particular interest is how the new statewide plan reflects VDOT’s own Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations, adopted in 2004.

Comments can be submitted via e-mail to until Friday, September 17, 2010

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  • This Policy Plan should be canceled as a waste of Tax Payer’s funds.

    I know lots of volunteer and staff work went into the document, and I like many of the ideas. But that’s all they are, ideas, not a Policy Plan.

    In many ways this is a shocking document in its form and construction. Instead of a plan by the Administrator to accomplish the “Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations” and achieving the goal of this draft “Increase the use of bicycling in Virginia for all trip purposes,” this is a plan for VDOT to talk to itself, suggesting that VDOT should do the things VDOT already knows to do.

    Any VDOT Policy Plan whose recommendations begin with “VDOT should…,” should be eliminated.

    It’s recommendations are lists of things that VDOT should suggest to itself to do. It does not provide a single directive or metric. Policy Plans are the implementation of policy. This document is less specific, less actionable than the policy the plan is to implement.

    The plan is signed by no one, directed at no one, and no one is accountable for its implementation.