The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

‘Dooring’ Through Senate Committee; Winter Masks & Sunday Hunting

Despite the snow, ice and cold temps, it was business as usual at the General Assembly building.

HB 1250, the Sunday Hunting Bill was attended and testified at in opposition by Champe Burnley as I was unable to make it. He reported a number of people testifying as usual, with a vote to table being narrowly defeated, followed by a move to Report prevailing by a narrow 12-10 vote. It should be noted that this is NOT an all out permission of Hunting on Sunday, but only by a Landowner or his family, or people with their permission, on THEIR OWN property. I think a number of Delegates support the bill for this reason, who would not support full scale Sunday Hunting.

SB 225, the Dooring Bill sailed through the Senate Transportation Committee, on a voice vote, with no opposition that I could hear, after several of us spoke on its behalf..

It did surprise me a bit that none of the Senators opposed it, which is a good sign as it now goes on to the Senate Floor.

Calls to your Senators to Support SB 97 & to your Delegates to Support HB 82 Don’t Follow Too Closely which will be voted on in House in the next day or so are definitely in order RIGHT NOW.

Also up tomorrow in the House Courts of Justice Committee is HB 542 where we are trying to get an exception for cyclists from the current law which makes it a serious felony to be wearing a mask. With the weather being as cold as it is, we ought to be able to show the Delegates the need for such an amendment to the long standing law that goes back to the 1960’s and the Ku Klux Klan.

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  • Thanks for accurately reporting on the Sunday hunting compromise up for debate in the House. Those of us who spend time outdoors year-round but are hunters in the fall, worked very hard to put together a compromise that would in no way limit outdoors access (or even perceptions of open access, as is often the case with fears of sharing space with hunters), but would also give property owners the right to decide whether they, themselves want to ban Sunday hunting on their own property. 44 states have Sunday hunting (including New York and California) and the risk of injury to non-hunters is not elevated (though we all can agree that we wish the risk was 0.0000000% instead of 0.000009% . Hey, at least you guys know what it’s like to be outside in the winter, to feel the wind and icy precipitation working its way through your gear on a cold morning. Respect for that!

  • Excellent response Kirk, I would hope that this group would withdraw it’s opposition in light of those facts.