The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Distracted Driving Video from SoCal Connected

In the wake of the Distracted Driving Summit comes this excellent video report from SoCal Connected, clearly demonstrating the danger of cell phone use while driving. They even compared it to driving drunk — with surprising results.

Distracted drivers are an increasing threat to cyclists and pedestrians. VBF supports further restrictions on cell phone use, such as a hands-free requirement like California’s. (Texting is already banned in Virginia.) Resistance from cell phone companies is to be expected, but the biggest political hurdle may be legislators themselves, who aren’t willing to give up their own cell phones.

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  • Notice the buried 2003 report that all cell use caused 1/4 million “accidents” and 1000 deaths. What do you suppose the numbers are now? When are we going to get serious and ban all cell use in vehicles? And that should include ON vehicles too, and that should include on bicycles too!