The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Advocacy Update #10: Distracted Driving Bill, HB181, Still In Senate

HB181 (the Distracted Driving bill that would restrict the use of hand held communication devices by drivers) was NOT listed on the Senate Courts of Justice Committee docket this morning, which means that it should be listed for Wednesday, 2/21 after adjournment.

This gives those of you who haven’t made any contacts an additional two days to do so, and for those I repeat the contact information I originally posted last week — the only members of this committee from the Richmond area being Ryan McDougle from Hanover, 698-7504,; & Glen Sturtevant of Richmond. We certainly want to urge their support of this bill.

Additionally we have several long time supporters of our bike & pedestrian safety agenda on this committee who we should also request the continued support of. This group includes:

  • Sen. John Edwards of Roanoke, 698-7521,;
  • Sen. Creigh Deeds of Charlottesville, 698-7525,;
  • Sen. Bryce Reeves of Fredericksburg, 698-7517,;
  • & Sen. Chap Petersen of Fairfax, 698-7534,

This looks like the last bill we have still alive in this year’s session, so don’t miss this chance to weigh in on it.

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