The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Cyclist For The Bay Campaign

Cyclist for the Bay campaign -- Chesapeake Bay Foundation

As most Virginians (should) know, our beloved Chesapeake Bay is in trouble, suffering from nitrogen and phosphorus pollution, oxygen depletion, and toxic contamination. So the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has launched its Cyclist for the Bay campaign, whereby cyclists can be part of the solution. Those who take the Cyclist for the Bay pledge will receive free water bottles and stickers, a pledge card with useful Bay information, membership in a Cyclist Network for Chesapeake Bay cycling information, and discounts on merchandise from the Foundation’s online store.

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  • This pledge is such a great idea! This is especially interesting for me because in my locality I am both the coordinator for its MS4 Stormwater Permit Program and I facilitate bicycle and pedestrian planning. It is exciting to see that others are making this connection too.