The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bike Safety Classes: Traffic Skills 101 in Roanoke, LCI Training in Charlottesville

Two bike safety classes from the League of American Bicyclists’ Smart Cycling program are being offered in Virginia in March.

Traffic skills 101 is a nine-hour course designed to develop your ability to ride with confidence and competence for pleasure, utility and sport, under various road, traffic, climate and terrain conditions. Classroom discussion and bike handling skills exercises are combined with on-road practice in the principles of vehicular bicycling. This course is a prerequisite for the LCI Training course below.

Where: Roanoke, VA

When: Thursday, March 4, 6-9pm; and Saturday, March 6, 9am-noon

Instructors: Barbara Duerk, LCI #480; and James Rosar, LCI #2203

Cost: $30

Registration: name and contact information mailed to 2607 Rosalind Ave., S.W. Roanoke, VA 24014 along with check for $30 payable to CONNECT NOW.

LCI Training

Also being offered is a League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training course. The LCI certification is the most widely recognized bike safety instructor credential in the US. Become certified to teach the Bikeleague’s Smart Cycling courses: Traffic Skills 101 & 201, Commuting, Motorist Education, and Kids I & II.

Where: Charlottesville, VA

When: March 19-21

Instructor: Preston Tyree,, 202-621-5446

Cost: $200

Prerequisites: Bikeleague membership, satisfactory completion of Traffic Skills 101, pass written test (at least 1 week in advance), acceptance by instructor.

There is a tight timeline between the above TS101 course and the seminar, so please set aside time to complete all the prerequisites.

We’re always happy to promote League safety classes, so please let us know about yours.

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  • I’ll be teaching another bike safety class in Virginia in March, Traffic Skills 101 in Vienna, VA on March 25 & 27:

    Thursday March 25 from 6-9 p.m. and Saturday March 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry Street Southeast, Vienna, VA (Map). Course #333031-A1. Register online by scrolling to the bottom of the page and click on “Click here to register online”. To just view the course description, sign in as “Guest” (no username or password needed), under “Advanced Search” use the term “traffic” as the Keyword search term. Cost is $100. Students should also plan to bring or buy lunch for Saturday session.

  • Thanks Bruce! I’ll put out another article about yours soon, so it will be more searchable and go out through our RSS/email.

    To anyone else, we’re happy to promote League safety classes, so send us your info!