The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Chesterfield Adopts Pro Bike, Trail Resolution

Another VA Locality Wants Healthy Transportation Options

At the behest of   concerned citizens, the  Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors   unanimously passed a resolution   supporting cycling and calling for more human powered facilities in the county at their meeting on February 23. 

Among other benefits, the  Supervisors felt that, “bike and pedestrian facilities can help curb a national epidemic of chronic obesity and weight related diseases by encouraging our adults and children to walk, run and cycle rather than travel by car.”

This makes Chesterfield the sixth locality in Central Virginia – after Ashland, Hanover County, New Kent    Charles City and the City of Richmond –  to pass pro-bike/ trail resolutions.

US Bike Routes 1  and the  East Coast Greenway  pass through the county.

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  • I do applaud the multi-use trail system continously being updated around the courthouse area. I would,however, like to see more bike lanes on our area roads that do not END abruptly !Which would make for more cyclists using our road systems with less anguish.

  • Surprisingly, this resolution says absolutely nothing about sidewalks, safe road crossings for pedestrian and trail facilities, on-road bicycling accommodations of any sort, shared roadways, or complete streets. It seems to portray walking and bicycling as merely a desirable, but nonessential, leisure activity that the County “endorses” but doesn’t pro-actively pursue.