The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Charlottesville Earns Bronze-Level ‘Bicycle Friendly Community’ Designation

League of American Bicyclists (Bikeleague) Logo

Congratulations to the City of Charlottesville for earning designation as a “Bicycle Friendly Community” by the League of American Bicyclists. Charlottesville is only the second Virginia locality, after Arlington
County, to receive this recognition.

ACCT has issued a press release, full text as follows:

Bicycle Friendly Charlottesville!

May 1, 2008

The League of American Bicyclists decided this week that Charlottesville is a “Bicycle Friendly Community.”

Two UVA students worked with the Alliance for Community Choice in Transportation in the Fall semester to complete a lengthy and detailed application for this designation. The Alliance, also known as ACCT,
finished the application and submitted it in February on behalf of the City of Charlottesville.

This lengthy application required answers from City traffic and civil engineers, trails planners, police officers, members of local mountain bike clubs and road cycling clubs, as well as staff of local non-profits The Community Bike Shop and ACCT.

The League of American Bicyclists is announcing today, through a national press release, Charlottesville’s and other communities new designation as Bicycle Friendly Communities.

An award ceremony will be planned soon, the League will provide the city with road signs and a certificate, and Charlottesville will now be featured on the Leagues webpage (

The Bicycle Friendly Community program includes five designations: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and honorable mention. Charlottesville received a Bronze designation, but with improvements we can always move up to Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Currently, there are only two Platinum cities: Davis, California and Portland, Oregon (Portland just moved up to Platinum this week).

The League will also provide our community with specific feedback on how we can make the city more bicycle-friendly and eventually receive those higher designations.

More information on the Bicycle Friendly Community program can be found at Charlottesville’s application is on file with ACCT, and if you want any information on bicycling in Charlottesville, contact ACCT.

To begin bicycling in Charlottesville, get in touch with ACCT about their “Confident City Cyclist Course” or about upcoming “Bike Week” activities or about their annual “Bicycle Rodeo!” And enjoy your bicycle
friendly community on bike!

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