The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bicycling Friendly Awards


VBF\’s Bicycling Friendly Award provides an opportunity for our members to thank businesses, organizations, and people who have made special efforts to be bicycling friendly, or to promote bicycling. For example:

  • a convenience store or restaurant that is welcoming to cyclists on club rides;
  • a business that gives discounts to customers who arrive by bike;
  • an employer that provides amenities to encourage bike commuting; or,
  • an individual whose efforts have improved conditions for cyclists in the community.

Any VBF member can give a Bicycling Friendly Award, to anyone who deserves it. Most awards are given by bike clubs, but we encourage bike shops, other businesses and organizations, and individual VBF members to give these awards too.

Scroll down for examples of previous awards.

The award itself, as supplied by VBF, is a highly visible, 5\” x 5\” blue-on-yellow decal, pictured above. These can be applied to doors or windows at a place of business, for customers to see as they enter or pass by. Order these decals from VBF by using this order form:

In addition to the decal, recipients are presented with a certificate of recognition. Templates and examples are provided here:

Fill in your own information, and frame the certificate for presentation. (If our templates don’t suit you, feel free to create your own.)

When you\’re ready to present an award, schedule an event (such as a club ride) during which the decal and certificate will be presented. Take photographs of the award presentation, and write a story about the event for club newsletters and websites. Also do your best to get press coverage of the event, by notifying local reporters, and doing a press release.

After the event, please provide VBF with information about the recipient, why the award was given, and about the award ceremony. Use this form:

We prefer to link to stories about the event in the press or on your website. But we\’re happy to feature the whole story, with pictures, here on our website. Send your write-up and photos to