The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Campus Survival – Confident Urban Cycling

VBF has been awarded a Department of Motor Vehicles Highway Safety Grant – the purpose of the grant is to provide bicycling traffic skills education on college and university campuses in Northern Virginia, Richmond, and the Virginia Beach / Norfolk region. On October 24th VBF partners with Virginia Commonwealth University for the first of these courses. College and University campuses are prime targets for cyclist education, thousands of students, leave home to live on or near campus with a bike to get to and from classes and other locations. The problem, many of these new college students haven’t ridden a bike in urban areas, are fearful of traffic, and as a result ride unpredictably in their efforts to “staying out of the way.” VBF will conduct courses will be based on the classroom portion of the League of American Bicyclists Traffic Safety courses. The University of Georgia has recently conducted similar classes – BikeAthens. To register for the VCU course go to

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