The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Campaign Director, America Bikes, Washington DC

America Bikes, the coalition of national bicycling and trail advocacy groups working to boost federal government investment in cycling, is seeking a well-organized, experienced professional to serve as our Campaign Director. The Campaign Director will manage America Bikes’ efforts in the upcoming reauthorization of the federal transportation bill, which sets policy and overall funding levels for all forms of surface transportation in the United States. The position will be based in Washington, DC.

This is a unique and timely opportunity to make a major difference for bicycling, America, and perhaps the planet. By helping America Bikes and the broader bicycling community to develop a truly bike-friendly federal transportation bill, the successful candidate for this position will help address a number of key problems facing the United States, including climate change, dependence on foreign oil, road congestion, air quality, and childhood obesity.

Duties and responsibilities

Serves as coordinator of America Bikes coalition: The Campaign Director will work with the coalition partners in America Bikes to develop and implement strategies aimed at establishing policies and funding levels, through the upcoming federal transportation bill reauthorization, that make cycling in the U.S. safer, easier, more enjoyable, and more popular. The Campaign Director will arrange and help coordinate meetings of the America Bikes Board of Directors, help prepare advance materials, and support appropriate Board committees.

Assists as media and outreach liaison: The Campaign Director will manage media and outreach contacts and coordinate with America Bikes leaders to respond to requests for interviews, information, and presentations. Emphasis will be placed on highlighting the diverse leaders of America Bikes, but the Campaign Director will also, as appropriate, serve as a spokesperson for the coalition and its policy platform. The Campaign Director will provide content for the America Bikes website and will develop policy papers, legislative language, action alerts and news releases.

Supports advocacy and lobbying: The Campaign Director will provide support to the lead lobbyists and advocates for America Bikes on the federal transportation bill and track contacts with legislators, agency officials and staff.

Oversees administration and financing: America Bikes will be a lean, efficient coordinating organization, managed by the Campaign Director with the support of a part-time office administrator. The Campaign Director will supervise the supporting staff person. The Campaign Director will also work with this staff person in tracking America Bikes’ budget. In addition, the Campaign Director will work to leverage the financial support of Bikes Belong (and the U.S. bike industry) by securing added resources to round out the coalition’s budget.

The Campaign Director will report to the President of the Board of Directors of America Bikes. The duration of this position is directly tied to the date of final approval of the next federal transportation authorization. America Bikes anticipates that this position will need to be filled until late 2009, but could extend into 2010, and perhaps beyond. The coalition does not expect to fund this position beyond the date when continuing federal transportation funding is approved.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities

Familiarity with federal transportation policy and legislative process. Excellent interpersonal skills — a real go-to person who generates confidence and enthusiasm in coalition partners, organizational allies, and legislative staff and agency officials. Strong writer, editor and verbal communicator. Well-organized and able/happy to meet deadlines. Solid computer skills, especially word processing and ability to use databases. Excellent team player, who enjoys working with others for great outcomes. Comfortable supervising an administrative staff person. Ability to work with numbers, both on the America Bikes budget and on funding line items within the federal transportation bill. Enthusiasm for — and experience with — bicycling a major plus.

Education and experience

Minimum of Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) from four-year college or university. Ideally, leading candidates will have at least ten years of professional experience, working in policy and advocacy, preferably at the national level, although state and local experience is welcome, too. Significant background in government affairs and transportation policy, especially non-motorized transportation, is strongly desired. Experience in managing the dynamics of a coalition and working with many partners is a major plus. Supervisory skills also a plus. Of course, attention will be paid to candidates’ bicycling experience and their ability to bring humor and good spirits to the job and the workplace.

Compensation and workplace

The position will be competitively compensated. Benefits include paid vacation, health insurance coverage, and bicycle/transit commuting reimbursement. America Bikes is an equal opportunity employer.


Please submit a resume and cover letter as soon as possible to

Application deadline: The position is open until filled. America Bikes will start reviewing applications and arranging for interviews on March 1, 2008.

About America Bikes

America Bikes is a non-profit corporation, with 501(c)4 status from the IRS. America Bikes is a collaborative effort of leading organizations in the bicycling and trails communities to advocate for positive outcomes for bicycling in the next federal transportation funding bill. These organizations include: Adventure Cycling Association, Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, Bikes Belong, International Mountain Bicycling Association, League of American Bicyclists, National Center for Bicycling & Walking, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, and the Thunderhead Alliance. Significant funding for America Bikes is generously provided by Bikes Belong. For more information, go to �

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