The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Call for Changes in Central VA

The Richmond Times Dispatch, although  having the reputation  as being one of the most conservative newspapers in Virginia,  is calling for the Richmond region to speed up the pace in becoming  bike and pedestrian friendly. 

This observation was made in commentaries on January 23 and 30th.

According to RTD  publisher, Tom Sylvestri, it’s time to, “…return to the fast lane in advancing Richmond as a bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly community.” 

“That’s clear from the comments of a growing number of advocates who want the city and the entire Richmond metropolitan area to join other progressive regions in the country that have earned the reputation of being great places to ride bicycles, take walks and use scenic trails for recreation.”

“What prevents more bicycling and walking from dramatically improving the quality of our city and region is a list of obstacles that can be turned into opportunities — the absence of clear paths, safety concerns about being on the road with cars and trucks, inconsistent awareness of the “rules of the road” and regulations, bikeways or roads in poor condition as well as insufficient bike parking or storage”

“It’s time, ladies and gentlemen, for it to happen here.”

Sylvestri sights recent findings by Mayor Dwight Jones Pedestrian Bicycling and Trails Commission Report  calling for the City of Richmond to implement changes.

We couldn’t agree more.

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  • I live in Varina down Varina road and the biggest thing I see is the bikers seem to think they own the road and ride in large groups and ride some times 2 or 3 across the road when the road is barely big enough for 2 cars to pass on these roads and on dangerous curves. I and my family love to ride our bikes on these roads as well and I agree that cars need to watch out for the bikers and pedestrians but so do the bikers and pedestrians as well because it does’nt do you any good if you are dead. Bikers need to remember that they must ride in single file and not 2 or more at a time.

  • Mr. Edmonds, though the Code of Virginia allows cyclists to ride two abreast:

    “§ 46.2-905.5 Persons riding two abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, shall move into a single file formation as quickly as is practicable when being overtaken from the rear by a faster moving vehicle, and, on a laned roadway, shall ride in a single lane.”

    The roads in Virginia are for everyone and we all need to respect the rights and needs of our shared users.

  • I agree and I will always give way to the weaker vessle because I could not live with my self if I hit and caused the Injury or death of another human life.