The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bud Vye Interview by Richmond Times-Dispatch

Lloyd "Bud" Vye, RABA kingpin, Virginia Bicycling Federation Advocacy Director & lobbyist

Bud Vye is our point man in the Virginia General Assembly, speaking on our behalf for better bicycling legislation. He also works with key players in government agencies, helps keep RABA running, and the Virginia Capital Trail on track.

Bud’s work on all things bike earned him an Advocate of the Year Award in 2009, from the Alliance for Biking and Walking.

How well do you know him? Read the Bid Vye interview by the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

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  • With all due respect to Mr. Vye and his time and effort, Virginia (or any other state in the union) should invest most heavily in vehicular-style training for bicycle riders and a public awareness campaign about bicyclists’ rights for vehicular drivers. Cycling facilities are expensive and no matter how extensive they may be, bicyclists will still have to ride on streets to get to them and to go where there are no facilities . . .

    Donald Dickson, LCI #184