The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Bud Vye Honored with Bench on Capital Trail

Virginia Capital Trail Foundation Exec. Dir. Beth Weisbrod (l), Bud and his daughter Laura

VCTF Exec. Dir. Beth Weisbrod (l), Bud and his daughter Laura

VBF Advocacy Director Lloyd J.  “Bud” Vye, was honored with the unveiling of  a bench along the VA Capital Trail near Great Shiplock Park in Richmond.  The bench commemorates  Bud’s commitment to bicycling  advocacy in Central Virginia.   For decades, Bud has been the point person for bike and pedestrian issues in the region and at the VA General Assembly.

Around two dozen people came to celebrate the event, despite cold, drizzly weather,  many of whom joined Bud after the ceremony for a commemorative ride in his honor.  Bud shared with the audience that he had attended some of the initial hearing for the Capital Trail as far back as 1992 and was looking forward to riding the entire fifty-five mile trail when it is completed in 2014.

In addition to local cycling enthusiasts, in attendence was League of American Bicyclist’s President Andy Clarke who praised Bud’s efforts and spoke of the important role  citizen advocates in making our communities more bike friendly.

Bud Vye & Bike League President Andy Clarke


The bench was sponsored by the Richmond Area Bicycling Association, VA Capital Trail Foundation and the Virginia Bicycling Federation.

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  • Congrats, Bud. You’re an inspiration!

  • Thanks Bud for your tireless work. Congratulations!

  • Old friend trying to contact Bud Vye 484 366 4737