The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Blue Ridge Pkwy. Trail Plan Needs Your Comments Now

Update: please attend the public input meeting Thursday, Sept. 1, 3-8pm at the Explore Park Visitors Center Auditorium, Milepost 115 on the Parkway. Also see the discussion at, which includes some analysis.

The Blue Ridge Parkway’s management has inflamed some of its biggest fans and supporters, and users throughout the Roanoke region, with a trail plan that threatens to close many of the feeder trails that provide access to Parkway property.

Mountain bikers will be especially affected, but road bikers will be affected too. Dan Casey’s editorial in the Roanoke Times explains much of the how and why.

Roanoke’s planning director called the plan “totally contrary to an outdoor destination” — which is what city leaders have been hoping the city could be.

Roanoke Outside has done a great job explaining the issues, and how you can respond. Your comments are needed now.

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