The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Blue Ridge Parkway License Plates

Poster for Blue Ridge Parkway license plate - fundraising for Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway

Visit for details

Riding the Blue Ridge Parkway is an epic ride every cyclist should do.

The Parkway is 469 miles of hills, vistas and adventure and is arguably one of the finest rides in  the US.

Starting in Afton, Virginia and ending in Cherokee, North Carolina, the road winds through some of the most scenic mountain settings in the Eastern US.   Some of the climbs seem never ending and the downhills are always  far too short.  With spectacular views of the Blue Ridge and surround valley,  this unique ride  along the ridge tops through the historic Valley of Virginia is like no other.

2010 marks the 75th anniversary of the completion of the Parkway and the FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway are hoping to commemorate this special occasion with a Blue Ridge Parkway license plate.  FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway is a non-profit, volunteer organization that is dedicated to preserving and protecting the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The license plates costs $25 (in addition to normal Virginia licensing fees).  FRIENDS will receive a portion of the plate fee and then donate 100% of these proceeds to the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The VBF is proud to be a friend of the FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge and support their efforts.

For more information, visit the FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway website.

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