The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Collegiate Times: Biking Becoming Big in Blacksburg

Today’s Collegiate Times ran a story about biking in Blacksburg — more and more Virginia Tech students are turning to bikes for transportation and exercise. While biking has always been big in Blacksburg, there are a lot more bikes downtown these days, and bike culture is more visible everywhere. All over town, I see people riding fixed gear bikes, tall bikes, and funky old “ten speeds” and retro-racers. Every day, the front of Bollo’s Cafe looks like a new page from Fixed Gear Gallery. Messenger-chic fashion is starting to creep in. The Blacksburg Bicycle Collective and the people behind it have been a big influence, getting more new riders rolling every week. But even they seem part of a bigger trend — young people becoming interested in biking again. I don’t think it’s just $3/gal gasoline. Something else is happening. What’s happening in your town?

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  • Nice to see Blacksburg is embracing bike culture and has a bike co-op! Are they any bike co-ops in the Hampton Roads area? I haven’t been able to find one yet, but I’d like to join one.