The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Safe Routes To School Policy Manager, Bikes Belong

from the Thunderhead Alliance listserv

Bikes Belong Logo

Position: Policy Manager
Program: Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Institution: Bikes Belong Foundation
Classification: Full-time salaried position
Location: Your home office
Deadline: Applications should be sent to by 5 PM EST on Thursday, January 31, 2008
Interviews: Telephone interviews will be held February 11 and 12 from 1 – 5 PM EST
Start Date: March 2008

Summary: The non-profit Bikes Belong Foundation is looking for an energetic and dynamic professional with at least 4-5 years proven success in a senior advocacy/policy/legislative position to work with the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) National Partnership as our Policy Manager. The Policy Manager will work on government relations, lobbying, policy research and analysis, and report writing to advance the SRTS national movement. The SRTS National Partnership is a coalition of more than 300 organizations. Its mission is to serve a diverse national community of organizations that advocates for and promotes the practice of safe bicycling and walking to and from schools throughout the United States.

Background: SRTS is a new federal program designed to make it safe, easy and convenient for children grades K-8 to walk and bicycle to schools. Due to federal legislation adopted in 2005, State Departments of Transportation (in all 50 states and the District of Columbia) now have $600 million in funding to make SRTS programs available to local communities during the next two years. Congress plans reauthorize the federal transportation bill, SAFETEA-LU during 2009, so the SRTSNP is starting work in 2008 to build the case for increased funding and improved policies for SRTS. We are also working to ensure that the SRTS funding allocated in 2005 is spent on good projects, that Congressional members become aware of the of the successful SRTS programs in their communities, and that we are working to insert SRTS language into other key pieces of federal legislation.

Key Responsibilities: This position is currently funded through February 2009, but we plan to continue the position assuming funding is available; the Policy Manager will assist in finding funding to continue the position. The incumbent will report to Deb Hubsmith, Director of the SRTS National Partnership. Key responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring that all states have SRTS Coordinators hired and that grant application guidelines are released in all states;
  • Working with federal policy makers and staff to get SRTS included in federal bills such as the reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU, climate change legislation, and energy, health and education bills;
  • Researching and writing policy papers on issues such has how SRTS has impacted the built environment, Wellness Councils, and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as how school siting policies, school buses, and hazard busing policies affect safety and physical activity;
  • Organizing site visits with Congressional members to showcase successful SRTS projects;
  • Researching Title 23 requirements for SRTS funding and how various states are complying with federal procedures so that we can make recommendations to lower the overhead and time required;
  • Working with national organizations to show the links for SRTS to public health, environmental concerns, complete streets, and more;
  • Working on high profile state legislation and policy initiatives that could provide precedent-setting national implications for SRTS;
  • Helping to develop SRTS State Networks and grassroots advocacy in states that are not currently served by our State Network Project;
  • Assisting the Director with fundraising efforts;
  • Communicating with other organizations at national, state and local levels;
  • Scheduling meetings, developing web content, responding to media inquiries, producing materials, and executing other tasks, as needed, to advance the goals of the SRTSNP; and
  • Attending regular staff meetings via telephone, and working as a team player.


  • Ideally live in the Washington DC region.
  • Successful legislative experience at state and federal levels.
  • Bachelors degree required; masters degree preferred.
  • Knowledge of Safe Routes to School, transportation and health issues.
  • Minimum of 4-5 years proven success in a senior advocacy/policy/legislative position.
  • Self motivated, creative, detail-oriented and energetic.
  • Ability to work from home, and to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Experience in meeting facilitation.
  • Experience with network/coalition building to create policy changes.
  • Track record of supervising complex projects with multiple stakeholders, and organizing/motivating volunteers and groups.
  • Organized and able to manage multiple projects simultaneously, with excellent attention to detail.
  • Advanced level of proficiency and previous experience in a variety of computer software applications, especially Internet Explorer, MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Available for travel throughout the United States.

Annual Salary: The Policy Manager position has an annual staring salary of $50,000 to $60,000/year depending on experience, plus health insurance benefits, paid vacation and federal holidays, and optional participation in a retirement plan. A computer and a telephone will be provided and paid for.

How to Apply: Please submit a cover letter, resume, and three writing samples in one PDF document to: Deb Hubsmith, Director, SRTS National Partnership, at All applications will be acknowledged with an email reply. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted.

The position will be open until filled, but the deadline for consideration for first interviews is January 31 at 5 PM EST. Initial telephone interviews will be scheduled for February 11 and 12 from 1 – 5 PM EST.

Visit for more information about the Safe Routes to School National Partnership. Bikes Belong is an equal opportunity employer.

Deb Hubsmith, Director
Safe Routes to School National Partnership
P.O. Box 663
Fairfax, CA 94978
(415) 454-7430

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