The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

New “Bike Smart” PSAs for Richmond

Please see the Bike Smart Richmond cyclist/driver PSAs from Fox Richmond. Sheryl Finucane from RABA and Michael Gilbert and I from RideRichmond collaborated with them on the messaging to keep them short and to the point, to make them targeted towards both drivers and cyclists, and to have a diverse group of cyclists filmed.

I hope this is the first of many opportunities for such community education, and these turned out pretty well, I think. You can even get a quick glimpse of me in the sidewalk video.

Driving around cyclists

Why not to ride on the sidewalk

Visibility and Hand Signals

Shared Lane Markings / Sharrows

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  • I like these. How difficult would it be to change “Richmond” to “Virginia” and show them all over the Commonwealth?

  • Why stop with just Virginia: why not use these in any town or state? These videos are great!

    (We’re having conversations to see if we could allow other organizations to tag these and use them in their local markets. Stay tuned!)

  • The difficulty, which I don’t imagine would be an extreme one, would be to get someone to produce them. FOX Richmond made these with Richmond-based sponsors in mind and the Richmond viewership they want to please and attract. I can’t thank them enough for going through all the effort for us to make them, but if it had been Virginia- or nationally-based material, the scope would have made the project much more cumbersome.

    I would say take these to your local tv channel and start the conversation with them. That said, show these to anyone, anywhere. The messages are the same.

  • I would like to get information regarding developing a bike program in my 9th grade Physical Education.